Today, my Grandma Hatfield passed away. She had pneumonia and was in the hospital since Tuesday night. She couldn't breath on her own and was on a ventilator (sp?). We were hopeful that it wasn't her time to go and that she'd recover. Her mind was sharp. She remembered things from her childhood. I was amazed at her stories and the details she could remember. She will be greatly missed. I am sad that she is gone, I don't think it has really hit me yet. I've cried a lot today. Ask me about it and you'll get lots of tears. If I can give one word of advise, it would be to visit those we love, often. My Grandpa Hatfield got alzheimers and in September 2007, he went to a rest home where he could be taken care of. My girls and I made the trip to Brigham City everyweek to visit. My Grandpa passed away January 2008. Even after my Grandpa died, we still would visit my Grandma. It was winter any many times she would tell us not to come because of the weather. We got to a point where it was harder to visit every week. She always had to make lunch. It was usually potato salad, hot dogs w/ spaghetti O's, or whatever the girls asked for. She loved my kids. She made all the new baby's blankets and hats. The picture below is Abbie and Anna in her hats. We wear them all winter long. I have great memories and no regrets.
She will be missed.
1 comment:
That was so nice to read. I miss her too. I wish I could have visited her more often. cute blog:)
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